First, please allow me to get a few things off my chest. . . . . .
If someone not from “around here” were to look at what all has happened in the last year and a little bit – what has happened on the entire planet Earth – this person may very well liken everything to something from the “Twilight Zone”.
What is odd about the Twilight Zone? Better question there: What ISN’T odd about the Twilight Zone? Things not predictable; glittering generalities accepted by everyone that had never before been accepted; things long accepted as scientific “fact” being completely flushed by many with no scientific background, yet are being accepted by the masses. Why? Loud voices. The old “squeaky wheel” statement – if you squeak loud enough, it doesn’t matter what else is going on or how ridiculous/ludicrous/outlandish your claims may be, YOU will get the attention, people will pay attention to YOU, no matter what you say. And guess what. Lawmakers will even pay attention to you.
Along with this is the long-known fact that if you tell a lie long enough, it doesn’t matter if you knew it was a lie. Ultimately, YOU will believe it to be true as well.
What we are in the middle of right now is easily the biggest hoax ever played upon mankind. And, easily said, blood is on the hands of many in the pharmaceutical and medical industries as well as in the government – and not just in the USA, but many around this entire world.
As has been spoken of by many experts today, hundreds of millions of people on this planet already have not received a vaccine – they have received what can be much better termed as an experimental biological gene therapy immune modulatory injection. The WHO has given no guarantee of immunity or even prevention of transmission with what Pfizer and Moderna and AstraZenca, etc. have produced. WHAT?? No. They tell people they still have to wear their masks, they still have to social distance.
And, by and large, the public is still buying this.
What kind of idiocy has mankind allowed themselves to follow?
I’ve even read people saying they will “crawl across broken glass” to get to this “vaccine”.
They cannot say this “vaccine” is as effective as they are touting it as being. There are NO long-term studies for this madly rushed-through vaccine. It is impossible for them to intelligently convey this. There is absolutely no way they can KNOW. Yet this is exactly what they are doing – what we are being told. And we want to trust them, so millions are doing just this.
What is being touted in all the “fact checking” that is happening when the word “CoViD19” or even “vaccine” is mentioned in the large social media networks say that these vaccines have been “thoroughly tested”. Have they? And do tell me, what are the actual results of this “thorough testing”? This they do not share.
Those most susceptible to negative reaction and even death from this coronavirus are the elderly.
The least susceptible are the infants and the young.
Why are they extending the testing to the infants and the young?
Guess what. They have a product to sell – a product that is being administered to hundreds of millions – they hope to be billions of people worldwide. What a money-maker.
And I’ve heard that at last 50% of the healthcare workers – at least in the US – are refusing this “vaccine”. Hmm. Does anyone with any amount of intelligence wonder why?
What about hydroxychloroquine? What about Ivermectin? What about Vitamin D3? What about Zinc? In spite of what is being spewed against these, the records are still showing how EFFECTIVE these are – and not just against the coronavirus.
And this helps me get on to some much better news, as a homeopath, now.
First of all, please know and be assured that homeopathy has been in use virtually unchanged for more than 200 years. And this is something that drives conventional medicine mad. It works and it works very simply. But homeopathic principles must be understood and utilized very carefully. It is absolutely possible to learn much of the basics and utilize homeopathy on a personal basis – for self, family, friends. I absolutely encourage this! But homeopathy is a full form of very powerful medicine – that is also very gentle because it works with the body and its natural God-given desire to be well. Working with a fully-trained homeopath can help you reach a level of health you may never have known before – or may not have felt for years.
It also works prophylactically – and has been doing this for more than 200 years as well. This is a key focus within my practise. Because of my desire to promote homeoprophylaxis (“HP”) and educate the world about this nontoxic disease prevention option, I have established the nonprofit organization, Homeoprophylaxis: A Worldwide Choice for Disease Prevention (

Why doesn’t the world know about homeopathic means of “educating the immune system” – of promoting immunity? There is much to understand here. to fully comprehend what has been going on.
I cannot take the time to educate regarding vaccination – there are enough places today that provide very good resources for you to find out yourself. I will recommend a couple of places here, though. One is the National Vaccine Information Center ( With a focus on the United States, there still is enough general information about vaccines for educational purposes here that anyone can benefit from perusing this site, regardless of where you may live. Two very good and informative books are Dissolving Illusions, by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Ideological Constructs of Vaccination, by Mateja Cernic. Please take the time to look through the website and read through these books to understand more fully what we are in the middle of, as far as the vaccination scene.
With this and more blogs to come, allow me to more fully inform you regarding what is here, as far as immunization and help with epidemics/pandemics with homeopathy.
As this is just a beginning blog to help open the doors for HP and the use of homeopathy more fully and widely today, let me here share with you a just few well-founded facts.
Through my organization, HPWWC, I have put together international conferences – these having taken place in Dallas, Texas, USA; the Netherlands; and New Delhi, India. Each of these conferences has welcomed incredible speakers from around the world.
The most recent one, that took place January, 2020, in India, had a particular focus on the evidence standing behind homeoprophylaxis. It must be clearly understood that there has been much more work and many more studies into the prophylactic use of homeopathic medicines than there has been into vaccines. To appreciate even from a beginning how vast the studies into HP have been – and still are – you can begin by perusing this page :
The website this page is on is one recently begun to be devoted to, as the website name states, education about homeoprophylaxis. This page is only one of several here listing many research studies, articles, and more about homeoprophylaxis. You may read these to your heart’s content – and trust that there are even more – many more – that confirm the efficacy of nontoxic homeoprophylaxis to be right about 90%.
At this particular time, there is a definite madness happening all around us because of the current coronavirus dominating everything.
What you must be assured of – and this will be the topic of a blog very soon forthcoming – is that, for more than 200 years, homeopathic medicines have been preventing, treating, and even curing every symptom being manifest by those who have been diagnosed with this CoViD-19. And these have been doing so very effectively. THIS is what I want you all to be firmly assured of. And I feel you will be, as you read this and subsequent blogs.
I will work to provide you with additional links and references and encourage you to look into this further yourselves.
I want you to become aware of homeopathy, its remarkable history with epidemics and pandemics – what I will share with you in this regard may amaze you. But it is all very well-documented. It is simply a matter of record that everyone must know about.
Homeopathy is solid and very effective medicine. By this name, homeopathy has been in use for more than 200 years. But it is actually based on principles that are thousands of years old.
I strongly feel you will be very pleased and impressed with what all you will be learning. Be assured that all is not lost – grasp hold of homeopathy!