How Far Has Science Really Come?
– a few more thoughts on the homeopathic approach –
Doing some research for a client today, I came across a disorder known as “Hemochromatosis”, which is a condition in which the body absorbs too much iron from the foods it is fed.
Wanting to know more about Hemochromatosis, I decided the Mayo Clinic would probably be a good source to research this.
So, this is what I found on their website, today, 21 July, 2020:
“. . . Treatment (for Hemochromatosis) includes regularly removing blood from your body. Because much of the body’s iron is contained in red blood cells, this treatment lowers iron levels. . .” ( https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hemochromatosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351443 )
Does it really?
I present to you, NO, it does NOT. It CANNOT.
Did this work for the many thousands of years bloodletting was utilized – up until the late 19th century? No. You know, for as much good as it was said to have done, it actually ended up killing many a patient. Funny, this.
Removing blood from the body does not lower the amount of iron the body is placing in the blood – it lessens the amount of blood in the body.
And you know what the body does in response? You’re right – it makes more blood. And do you know what this new, fresh blood the body makes will end up collecting once again, if nothing else changes (which will very likely be the case if this is all that is done)? It will still end up being a receptacle to collect more iron than the body actually needs.
What might be a better approach for this condition of Hemochromatosis?
Let’s try working with the body, trying to find out why it is absorbing too much iron from the foods being eaten in the first place – and working with this condition instead.
This is the homeopathic approach – pure and simple.
Symptoms are the body’s cry for help. Approaching things this way, the homeopath knows that to mask or bandage these symptoms does not help the body at all. The body’s “Vital Force” (VF) works to call for help through the simplest means necessary – and when this doesn’t work, it has to go deeper. Healing is still possible – it is just becomes more difficult.
In the case of Hemochromatosis, removing blood with too much iron in it – in other words, bloodletting – cannot possibly change anything the body is doing that is causing this to happen – it repairs nothing. The issue is that the body is absorbing too much iron from the foods it is eating. To allow true and full healing, the question that must be addressed is WHY this is happening.
Since the late 1700s, homeopathy has been addressing issues of full health remarkably effectively in its wonderful energetic way. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, knew nothing of nanodynamics or genetics or much of what we consider “modern” today. Yet, he espoused exercise, eating right, sanitation – he introduced many thoughts and ideas that have, in many ways, shown his vision to be nearly equal to prophetic.
As this blog continues, further thoughts and points will be shared that will hopefully help the reader grasp more fully what homeopathy is and why it has always been a method of healing – and preventing and maintaining – in a whole and complete way.