Healthy Healing Arts
An Historical Perspective
This will not be one of those boring old history lectures – this is talking about today, but as understood through history. And except for right now, I will not be mentioning the word homeopathy, except to say that I am a homeopath and I love this approach for medicine and health.
History is a very powerful teacher.
A few “randomized” thoughts for consideration.
How long were the stars and phases of the moon studied – and what was/were the reason/-s for changing from the lunar to the Julian and now the Gregorian calendars?
Observing the Inquisition, who was it that actually instituted the idea that herbal medicine, and even the study of the stars, was evil – and why? Did this end the practise of herbal medicine or the study of the stars?
Who decided that it was a preposterous idea for Martin Luther to translate the Bible into a language the common people could understand – and why? Did this keep the Bible only printed in Latin?
Who decided that Galileo was mad – and why? Did placing him under house arrest for the remainder of his life make the things he presented incorrect?
Before the 20th century, who would dare think that surgery could be performed on the human heart, much less actually replacing this organ?
Why is it that mankind has allowed governing authorities to decide what is “right” and what is “wrong”? What is “wrong” about allowing mankind to make – and be responsible for – their own decisions?
Now, of course, we need a governing body, or there would be anarchy and essentially nothing but a fundamental fear and inability to progress.
But this idea – of individual accountability – is exactly what was presented to mankind in the form of the Constitution of the United States. Central regulations, but, more importantly, allowances and a vast amount of liberties for the people as well as limitations on what the governing entity can do. A trust that mankind can do good things – of their own initiative.
Take a broader look at this and consider what we are in the middle of today – in the year 2020. It is currently pure chaos. But why, fundamentally, should this be seen as any different than the chaos that has happened again and again in circumstance after circumstance throughout recorded history?
Today – right now – we have massive governing bodies working to tell us what to do. And these governing bodies receive counsel from, not the religious realm, as was throughout history, but from health institutions – e.g. the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
A couple things to bear in mind, focusing on how things are happening in the United States: In this country, those making laws and regulations are elected officials – elected by and responsible to the people who put them into office. They are not royalty. They are not “elite”. They are subject every 2 to 4, and sometimes 6 years for re-election. They must stand accountable for their actions – and when these actions are not seen as favorable to the people who elected them, they are subject to being recalled or not be re-elected.
Ideally, this is how it should always be.
But this also brings into consideration another entity that, today, is influencing our governing body – this actually being the media – “social” media, included. Many spend many hours every day in one way or another utilizing or at least exposing themselves to this. Of course, this has become a massive means to influence people, especially with cell phones – or “smart phones”. In 2016, Cisco projected that, by this year, the number of people having these will be greater than those having running water in their homes.
“. . . The proliferation of mobile phones. . . is increasing so rapidly that more people will have mobile phones (5.4 billion) than electricity (5.3 billion), running water (3.5 billion) and cars (2.8 billion) by 2020. . .” (ref: A)
Tying in with all of this is the fact that what motivates these entities is a desire for control. Why this? It basically sums up as the exhilarating feeling of power.
Consider the physically small person of Napoleon Bonaparte and how vastly he was able to conquer much of the western world.
Consider what happened with the inept art student of Adolph Hitler when he found a place to focus his attention – a body that would listen to him and proliferate further upon his ideas, even when these ideas may not have been his to begin with.
Consider the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 of the United States, and how exhilarating this was for the small and growing country of the United States.
Consider Bill Gates and how, in spite of the billions he has made because of what he began with computers for society today, he has found an issue – vaccination – that gives him authority and prowess regarding this, in spite of the fact that he has no medical degree, much less training.
What is happening today comes together, not unlike a sponge, when one simply considers the whole picture from the beginning of recorded history.
Good and bad – positive and negative – can all be encapsulated within those two terms: control and power.
What happens when we listen and simply, almost unquestioningly give heed to well-meaning people who feel they are sharing good things with us? What happens when we listen to our lawmakers when they decide to implement things they have somehow determined are for the best good, sometimes in spite of what we find seems logical or reasonable?
Again, consider this and consider historical precedence relative to what is happening today.
There are many things being touted today as “science”, “scientific-based” which would never have made sense even six months ago. However, we also, during this current world situation, have what has become a very manipulative term of “fear” mixed in. And because of this, a large number of people are not questioning what is being shared by those “in authority” – which includes the elected lawmakers, as well as those who work at places like the WHO and CDC, and the media. Even though much of what is being conveyed by them does not make sense, many are allowing themselves not only to be convinced to listen but to make absolutely sure they are doing what they are being told – to the point that many are also looking down upon those who are simply working to make logical sense of what they are being told.
A couple of “dark” historical examples also illustrating exactly this:
In the early 20th century, businesses run by Jews were not questioned until governing authorities in Germany – or those under influence of these – started presenting “data” that brought these businesses into question. It grew to seem right to a majority of people who also acquiesced to the further restrictions German lawmakers began implementing against the Jews and a growing number of “non-compliants”.
On an even broader note, consider the fact that herbal medicine is what medicine was all about for thousands of years. But then the ideas of “control” and “power” found a way to take hold and, during the Inquisition, it was the religious authorities who, working with the political authorities, decided that they needed to approve all medicine – and anyone practising non-approved, non-recognized (aka herbal) medicine was said to be practising witchcraft.
In even more ways, please note that this continues today. Conventional medicine is still condemning herbal medicine as “not scientific” and therefore, “ineffective”, even though it, again, has been working for thousands of years. Additionally, conventional medicine today has many drugs that the different drug companies are able to patent – herbs cannot be patented. So forget the long-standing track record of herbs – society is being told that this relatively very new definition of “science” is the only thing we should now trust.
Unquestionably, many advances have certainly happened today because of what can now be done. Progress in many ways has been very good for us here.
However, these advances do not replace what herbs and other more natural approaches to health have, again, been doing for thousands of years.
And there is still much scarring today left from what began in the Inquisition – this being very easily seen by those who do not want to question what their doctor presents to them or simply feel that another medication will “make them better”. Not to mention the potential negative effects of many prescribed or over-the-counter drugs, let alone what can and does happen when such drugs are combined. Conventional medical doctors are notoriously unaware of such risks. Not to mention, of course, the potential risk of addictions developing to these medications.
These all – and much more – attribute to the situation the world has found itself in today.
Do we, today, need to protect those vulnerable – the elderly, the immune-compromised? Yes, of course we do. But this is what we have worked to do with every disease.
Why is it especially notable now with “CoViD-19”? It seems that, today there is, once again, a desire for more control – and a willingness to allow it.
The people simply feel they should do what they are being told to do – that it’s “for the public good”, so it is good, and anyone who does not should be looked down upon and shamed.
A scenario we are presented via social media, email, tv today can look something like this:
My grandmother got very sick because of CoViD-19. OR
My great-aunt actually died because of CoViD-19. OR
My father was in the hospital twice because of CoViD-19.
Why this?
It is scary. It gains attention. It makes people act rashly – immediately. It is for the public good – we had better be doing it! The good citizens are doing this all over. Why aren’t you? You are very selfish for not complying, aren’t you? Shame on you!
Are we all aware of what the coronavirus is, of how long we have known about this virus, of how “dangerous” this virus has always been known to be?
In short, what is going around in 2020 is the seventh known coronavirus to affect humans. The coronavirus was first isolated in 1937 as a virus that causes bird respiratory issues (including bronchitis). In the 1960s, it was found also to affect humans, also as a virus causing respiratory issues. However, it is important to realize that there are seven known coronaviruses that affect humans. The first four are very common – up to 30% of the common cold being caused by one of these. (ref: B) The other three we have known about since the early 2000s – the SARS, the MERS, and today, the CoViD-19. (ref: C)
What is different about what is presenting itself today is basically that governmental and national health authorities have found a way to control it. With this in mind, consider a couple of things relating to what we see about this today:
1 – In the name of “advancing science”, the CDC and even the WHO have changed what they present about not only the coronavirus but this current CoViD19. Even other major medical websites have changed what they present about “CoViD-19”. Until February, 2020, WebMD.com had some very solid information about what the coronavirus is. (ref: D) However, today what is found there is first very loudly much about the CoViD19 – some serious “poking around” now must be done to find other foundational information about the coronavirus, which is still available on this website. (ref: E)
2 – The amount of what is today being promoted as “social distancing” varies from 1 and 2 meters/3 to 6 feet – depending on where you reference. (ref: F)
And, perhaps interestingly, it has lately not been presented to sneeze/cough into one’s elbow, but into a tissue. Then dispose of this tissue and wash hands. (ref: G)
And the face mask issue – It pretty much goes without saying that the stories regarding these have changed quite dramatically since January, 2020. I won’t belabor this issue here.
Any more, reports are abounding about how fathers are not being allowed into the birthing room when their child is entering the room; how people are not being allowed to attend funerals of their loved ones; about how those very sick cannot get into a hospital because they do not have the CoViD-19 or how they are refused admittance to a hospital because they refuse to be checked for this.
The thought that the CoVid19 virus can be spread via speech – suspended water droplets in the air – is built on an idea that was presented in February, 2019. (ref: H). However, even though this has not yet been confirmed to be an actual cause of a case of CoViD19, because of certain incidents that seem to convey this, even the very act of singing is being brought into question – even forbidden in some places (ref: I)
No one seems to be able to verify with 100% surety that what they are presenting is actual fact – yet, because we are in the Information Age, everyone presenting about this on social media sites seems to do so with an assurance that whatever it is they are presenting is fac – so just trust them.
This is why history is so valuable to know and grasp hold of. Those who do not know history are damning themselves to repeat it.
How will things happening today be viewed in the future?
Is every person who does not wear a face mask selfish, self-centered, or just simply rude? Is every person who does wear a face mask ignorant and simply doing what they’re told to do?
Consider every side of this question.
What about those who are very sick?
What about those who are deaf and must lip-read to be able to communicate?
What about the solid fact that CoViD19 numbers are going down worldwide? (ref: J)
I can go on, but I hope this much presents the picture of the fact that what is going on today is nothing new. Control and power are desired, are causing manipulation of the public – are resulting in division of best friends, of even family members over something that can be seen as almost trivial – a face mask. Each side can feel their words, their actions are justified. But we are in a state of turmoil and confusion that, considering how issues much like this have historically happened, there is a good question of whether the actual facts regarding this Coronavirus Disease of 2019 – “CoViD-19” – will ever be fully known.
I will present that I believe very strongly that mankind is overall good and wants to do well – that mankind is also inherently sensible and will do what he/she feels is necessary to keep themselves and each other safe. There is not a need for governmental intervention to the extreme we are seeing it today – we are doing it already, and it is working.
I will once again mention the word homeopathy here, as this medicine has been known for more than 200 years to successfully treat, cure, and even prevent every symptom being associated with the CoViD19 – and it is being used with great success today, as it has long been known to do.
History is valuable for us to learn and live by to get through and build on what is happening today.
A – https://newsroom.cisco.com/press-release-content?articleId=1741352
B – https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/cold-guide/common_cold_causes
C – https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/general-information.html
D – https://www.webmd.com/lung/qa/what-is-a-coronavirus
E – https://www.webmd.com/
F – . https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/question-and-answers-hub/q-a-detail/q-a-on-covid-19-and-masks AND
G – https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/hygiene/etiquette/coughing_sneezing.html
H – https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-38808-z
I – https://files.covid19.ca.gov/pdf/guidance-places-of-worship.pdf
J – https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/